Welcome to Day 3. For me, this is the last and final day I get to play the Closed Beta. ;__; *sniffles* I plan to make the most of it!
Heh. Yes, that IS an arrow sticking out of LadyB - Warrior - Gladiator - Current Level: 14.
But she did manage to save the little Porgus (piggy). Sorry about that last shot. I wanted a shot with LadyB in the shot with the kid and his piggy pal, but the screen started fading to black when I took the shot. :"}
The Teleportation Statue in Sanctum. I still can't get over a city being so big that you have to have teleportation devices WITHIN the city ... for a small fee.
It's started to rain. :O))
I'm working on LadyB's aether extraction skill ... but to do it, y'gotta fly. You can only fly for one minute before you risk death by plummeting to the ground. So she's resting on the side of a building. *snicker*
This is her looking up.
Extract that aether! Go on, girl! But really, this was me shamelessly taking back shots of her wings in flight. ;O* Heh.
I THINK this was me trying to take a picture of LadyB switching channels within the game. I'm still not quite sure WHY there are multiple channels within the game ... but ... this is her in channel 10 (where most of the legion tends to hang out).
Is hot here. I tried to see if I could capture the heat waves rolling over LadyB ... but I don't think my effort worked. :O))
Top down shot of LadyB "returning" to her obelisk point of return. :O)
'nother shot of the creepy slime creature (these are red to her). ;O)) I like living on the edge as a Gladiator. *LOL*
You see that "suspicious chest"? These things are situated through Atreia ... and they are usually red and "??". But ... if you have a large enough group of people who don't mind spending HOURS to wale upon it, you're supposed to get some l33t lewt from it. :O)
By the waterfall again. :O)
Remember how I said I was planning to make the most of this final day of my beta experiences in Aion? Well ... the Aion people planned to send this final beta event off with a bang. What does that mean? In-world events!! Here we see LadyB, currently level 15, in a place called Ethenen (I think, sp?) Fortress. This is a high level area. HOWEVER, word had been spreading across the region that the Balaur were planning on attacking this fortress. I totally wanted to be in on the act! So I sent her there.
The next series of shots are the INSANITY I (and LadyB) experienced during the event:
At level 15, this is the MAXIMUM amount of damage she managed to put on these ELITE Balaur creatures. After this, she only managed the occasional 1 damage effect. *LOL*
Is raining.
Once the dragon showed up, this happened to MANY of us ....... SEVERAL times.
At this point, LadyB got glitched. Cuz ... well ... she IS dead ... but she looks alive. This glitched forced me to log out and log back in. But by the time I made it back to this region, I missed the death of the dragon (it took FOREVER) ... and the 200,000 kinah payoff that the GM's gave everyone who participated. ;__; One of the legion members sent LadyB 100,000 later though. :O))
And then the Balaur kept coming afterwards. I kept waling on things ... having a fairly decent time of it ... amused by the 1 damage she managed to inflict from time to time. But she did get some Abyss points. That's a ranking you get to work on during any PvP situation. And yeah ... from time to time, the opposite faction would show up and people who run off and chase them. The GMs roleplayed that it was a ruse to lure us away so the Balaur could decimate the place. ;O))
But after a while, I got bored and decided to send LadyB off to quest some more ... where she got this nice new hat. :O))
Guess who joined me for this beta event?!?! It's KETH! This is her character Kabrina - Scout - Ranger, current level: 12. :O))
Ain't she cute? She's shorter than LadyB. :O)) Keth and I quested for a little bit until it was time for me to log out and go to bed.
She was able to purchase some new armor ... it's VERY purple.
Chillin' (while Kabrina talks to some folks). ;O)
The poor little elroco. It's so cute ... and looks so sad trapped in the cage. ;__;
Raining again. It rains a LOT here.
A close-up shot of LadyB's sword. :O))
JUST before I logged out, more surveys came through. In honor of the beta event, these surveys would appear and you got some nice loot for participating. A lot of the surveys were clues that led to the in-game event(s). :O)) Anyway, FOUR surveys came through before I logged out (I'd finish one only to get another). LadyB got a red and blue set of dyes (could be used 5x each). And she went crazy with it. *LOL*
Thank you for joining me (us) on this very cool ride in Aion. When next we speak ... it'll be OPEN beta. I believe all the CLOSED beta characters will be wiped, so I'll be started all over again. :O) I'm think I'm going to start right off with the Warrior (gladiator) and see if I can't get that ONE character up to at least level 25 before the game goes live. We'll see though. *LOL*
I hope you enjoyed the ride! :O))
The Beginning
Open Beta
1 comment:
That's cool that she'll be able to summon more powerful versions of these elementals, not just train those current ones up. But why's she wearing her fire elemental as a hat? *snickers*
Huh. That's kinda cool, so you don't HAVE to travel the full distance, if you want to jump over to the far side. :)
*giggles* That looks like it kinda hurt. *bites her lip to keep from laughing more*
Good to know for launch, that we've gotta keep our collection levels up.
Wow, such pretty scenery from that section of the city. :D
*makes a mental note to try to remember to check out the youtube video of flight when she gets home*
That character is cute and I love the detail on all the outfits you've shown so far! (I just REALLY hope they do something about the horrendous clipping of arms/wings going through swords/shields and whatnot before live.)
Graphics Glitch! *giggles* Yup, I can say it. (And welcome to beta.)
Congrats on 20! *throws confetti*
Geeze, no pressure there! Just the fate of all of your people. *grins*
Hmm, I can't make out what you're trying to show us in the shot of, um, is that a tab on your inventory/character screen or something? Aww, sorry you lost your game though. *comforts*
That is a neat statue!
LadyB is very purty! And it looks like they improved the wings on her side of the game?
*snickers at the writer* The scenery is so pretty!
That sword is too big for her! *chuckles* Looks like she's about to tip over. ;-)
Congrats on saving the little piggy! Did you get to roast him up for a celebration feast? *grins*
Only 1 minute of flight? Yeesh! That's like NOTHING! *pouts*
There are probably multiple channels so you don't have 1,000 people all vying for the same mobs at the same time. Instead, you'll have a couple of hundred instead. Just coordinate what channel you and your friends want to play on and viola! Not too much competition. They do that in Guild Wars as soon as you leave town and I think they've started doing that in City of Heroes too, I think...
Heh, love the top-down view of her teleporting.
Yay for in-world events! *cheers* Unfortunately, I can't make out what the screenshot says of your damage shot.
Boo for bad clipping on the "umbrellas" going through the people's weapons. :-(
Ooo, that's a bad mambajamma dragon there though! Aww, that sucks that you missed the death/reward of the dragon!! (But very sweet that one of your legion members send you half of their winnings.)
Yay for her new hat? *grins*
*blinks* *blinks again* I didn't know Keth bought the game too? Very neat! And yes, Kabrina's very sexy in Aion! *cheers* So what's Keth's thoughts on the game so far?
Did you free the elroco?
Heh, that's neat that you got in-game stuff for completing their surveys. (And even NICER that you're able to dye your armor!!!!!!)
So when the game goes live, which side do you think you want to play on?
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