Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Open Beta - Part 1

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!

So the Open Beta for Aion began on September 6, 2009 and ended on September 13th 12:00 PM EDT ... or so we were led to believe. But unfortunately (or fortunately in this case), due to some issues on the first day and a very large patch on Saturday the 12th, they extended the Open Beta until September 14, 2009 (2:00 AM EDT). Within that time-span, I took over 100 pictures. Bare with me while I regurgitate the events. These are all pretty much just random shots (no story really) so enjoy my rambling. Hehe!

"Hello, my name is Valadhiel, Warrior for Elysea."

Yup, all big and bad is my Open Beta Warrior. She can't be more than 5'5". Heh. But she's strong!

This young elf-like creature is my friend Keth's toon Kabri. I forget what class she is. Assassin ... I think.

And you see in the background here ... VERY tiny ... that's the toon Aeronwy (class = Priest) played by my buddy Aer. This is Aer's first time in the Aion beta and whether she and her hubby like this game enough to buy two copies hinges on this beta. I hope they like it!

We three are a force to be reckoned with ... even in the starter zone. :O) Aer, do you want a bandage for that sword wound Val just gave you? *grin*

It rains a lot. *nods*

Valadhiel has recovered some of her memories. I LOVE this outfit on her. It is totally BAD-ASS!!

White wings go well with her skintone.

Aeronwy - chillin'.

Do you see that very faint outline around Aeronwy? That was cuz I had my cursor over her. Sorry about that. :OD))

Kabri is so cute.

Check out her nifty slicing and dicing paraphenalia. And, please, ignore the faint outline. I had the cursor over her. :OD)) Ignore the graphic glitch, too (sword through scarf = not cool).

Aer is TOTALLY jealous of the slicer/dicers. :O))

The 3 Musketeers (without the muskets) ... ignore the outline around Aeronwy.

Ah! That's better. :O)) Aer was getting tired of having her picture taken I guess. Heh.

This is one of the Soul Healers who (for a small, or sometimes not-so-small fee) will restore some lost XP (you start losing a bit of it after level 6 when you die). Isn't she love-er-ly?

I logged into Lumiel later when neither Aer nor Keth were online and created this character. I think she's a Priest(ess) by the name of ... uhh ... Malarwen. Yes! See? I remembered! *LOL* She, however, didn't get much play time ...

... because Aer and Keth logged in and we went back to the Triniel server to play with our Elyos characters. Here we are destroying an Abyss Gate.

It's a different day and Keth, Aer and myself decided to try the opposite faction (Asmodians). Here are Aer's toon and Keth's toon. I can't remember the name of Aer's toon. Might be Elianne ... might not be! And I think she is an Assassin. Keth's toon is named Rexa, and she's a Mage.

My toon, Aina, is a warrior. I'm addicted to the class. :O)) Check out her muscles!

I think Aer and Keth share a brain or something. With our Elyos characters, they had the same hair color and similar (or the same) tattoos. And here we have their Asmodian characters ... with the same tattoo. HA! :O)

Keth was having WICKED BAD lag so Aer and I spent a lot of time just chillin'. :O))

I am TOTALLY making these into desktop images. *nods*

And here I am on another day playing my newly created Priestess Anjel (who has the desire to be a Chanter).

She joined a legion by the name of Quills. :O))

Here's a nice shot of the legion cloak. It changed daily. *snickers*

Anjel looks awesome in her chain mail. :O))

White wings go well with dark skintones. :O))

Daminu! You are the MAN ... err ... TREE! :O))

I love these battle scenes. Anjel decides to be a Chanter.

To Sanctum ... and BEYOND!!

I liked that they made the text bigger during cut-scenes. Much easier to read now!

BE the Chanter!

The Beginning

Open Beta - Part 2

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